- Strategy
Service overview
Retro-commissioning is a key step in improving a building’s energy efficiency.
Buildings consume more than 90% of the energy used in the United States, and are a primary target for energy savings efforts
Utility companies, as part of Demand Side Management (DSM) programs, fund energy savings programs aimed at improving building efficiency and in some cases some government entities require to perform energy audits and retro-commissioning to ensure the correct equipment performance and installation.
A good example is New York City Mayor's Office of Sustainability Local Law 87 (LL87: Energy Audits & Retro-commissioning) which requires buildings over 50,000 SF to undergo these periodic measures, and Local Law 97 that passed as a part of the Climate Mobilization Act by the New York City Council in March 2019, it requires large (over 25,000 square feet in 2017) existing buildings in New York City to reduce their emissions by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. This law is unique and novel in its aim, because it targets existing buildings and requires owners to invest in renovation and retrofitting to make their buildings more energy efficient
In order to qualify for such a refunds or comply with the requirements, the performance of the energy saving measure must be proven by a third party engineering firm to certify the performance to the utility funding the change.
“Retrocommissioning” does just that – it provides validation that an energy savings measure really does save energy.
Key Steps
EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll review the existing systems, understand the operating parameters, measure the existing performance to establish a baseline, and design documentation (design intent, basis of design, commissioning book of record, and sequences of operation) for completeness.
EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll will develop detailed written test procedures for guiding and documenting performance during functional testing to ensure that operations will not be jeopardized if it is a live facility.
EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll will evaluate the documentation on record, produce any documentation that may be missing, and compile performance information for analysis and provide recommendations.
EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll will observe the start-up of equipment and systems subject to the retro-commissioning process and perform field verification of the performance of the system.
This field verification may be in the form of direct measurements performed by EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll, by observation of measurements taken by others, or by data collection from calibrated system metering integral to the system being tested.
EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll will perform commissioning of the equipment after start-up to verify full functionality and performance, taking further performance data readings as necessary.
This will include operating the system; testing in all normal modes; observing shutdown and restart; and abnormal, but predictable, operating modes (power failure, component failure, if applicable). In all instances, the commissioning will verify the predicted performance of the system as submitted and approved for purchase.
EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll will make seasonal observations where required and review performance against the initial baseline measurements. This will provide validation for the Retro-Commissioning process and verification necessary to improve the energy efficiency of your facilities.
- Other Services
Probability Risk Assessment
Policies, Practices and Procedures (MOP/SOP)
Continual Staff Training
On-Call Services
Operational Facilities Consulting
Maintenance Management Programs
Building Management Systems Review of Program and Sequences
Annual Infrastructure Evaluation (Identify Level of Degradation & Assign Action Timeframe)
Root Cause Failure Analysis
Power Quality Analysis
Infrared Inspections