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- Strategy



Considering moving to a co-location environment, or shifting applications from an on-premise or enterprise facility to the cloud? Want to understand which applications can be easily migrated?  We can help.


We develop your data center sourcing options by creating multiple scenarios that illustrate your strategic alternatives around building, re-building, outsourcing, and co-location. Beyond that, we identify and clarify how these decisions inform, and are informed by, decisions in around on-prem and public cloud; computing at the edge; and super-computing at scale, as we enter the age of quantum computing. Each scenario is supported by a Total Cost of Ownership.


Our experts will also help you determine the level of Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Planning needed to support and defend your application portfolio globally. With this comes the assurance of your mission’s reliability and security in an ever relentless world of risk.

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​Enterprise Technology & Data Center Strategy: Evaluate the business and technology operations and develop strategies for the optimal data center topology, location, and operating models to meet business requirements and cut overall lifecycle costs.


Facility Consolidation and Migration Planning: Drive efficiency in and cost out with strategies for moving to a high-availability technology & data center operations model.


Technology & Facilities Master Planning: Chart clear strategic directions and enable informed capital planning, with a framework for managing and deploying facility-wide technology, operations, telecommunications, and personnel.




- Services



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