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Diversity and Inclusion

EYP Mission Critical Facilities, Part of Ramboll is committed to providing equal access and meaningful opportunities to all employees.

Our diversity efforts are designed to maximize inclusion in both our employee and subcontracting communities.  We strive to be hire, matriculate, and mentor women, minorities, veterans, disabled, LGBTQIA+, and other diversely designated people into our workforce.  Additionally, we support, subcontract, and likewise mentor businesses that are majority owned by these same designated constituencies. 

A diverse and inclusive workplace is a strong workplace. Our unique experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives inspire a culture of innovation and empower our ability to achieve success. As companies seek to reflect their employees, their communities, and their customers, they must create a working environment that not only accommodates but celebrates the rich diversity of all constituents. At EYP MCF, Part of Ramboll, we consistently seek to build out our own workforce to represent that constituency and are incorporating initiatives to support diversity across all our services lines.

In addition, we encourage our clients and select suppliers and partners that reflect this commitment to diversity and inclusion in the way they develop, manage, and use the facilities that we plan, design, and assure for them.

Diversity brings many beneficial attributes to our firm by building vital partnerships, growing our vendor and sub-consultant talent, and providing a competitive advantage in securing and retaining new business.  

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